Keynote, “Cargotec Case Study”, Genos International Conference Hawai’i, 2019
Keynote, “How to be a BADASS”, Speakers Institute, 2019
Keynote, “Emotional Intelligence for REALTORS®”, Orange County REALTORS® Leadership Summit, 2020
Keynote, “Behavioral Agility”, Orange County REALTORS® Leadership Summit, 2020
Virtual Keynote, “How to be a BADASS”, Speakers Tribe Victoria, 2020
Virtual Keynote, “Accuracy of Interpretation: When to Trust Your Gut”, WomanUP! Virtual Event, 2020
Virtual Keynote, "Handle Decisions Like A Warrior: Learning the G.E.D.I. Way", WomanUP! Virtual Event, 2020
Virtual Keynote, "How to Accurately Use Your Gut - Effective Decision Making in an Overthinking World", US National Council of Realtors, "Health, Wealth, and Self" National Conference, 2020
TENx Virtual Keynote, "How to be a BADASS", Speakers Tribe Global Conference, 2021
Virtual Keynote, "How to be a BADASS", Speakers Tribe Queensland, 2021
Virtual Keynote, "Keep Your Best People" Summit for Hospitality Ireland, 2021
Virtual Keynote, "How to be a BADASS", Genos International Spotlight Series, 2021
Emcee, Third Place (with NGV) Melbourne Design Week, 2021
Emcee, Mini TENx Event, Speakers Tribe Victoria, 2021
Virtual Keynote, "How to be a BADASS", Speakers Tribe Queensland, 2021
Keynote, "How to be a BADASS", Authors Book Launch and Expo, 2022
Keynote, "Emotional Intelligence for Leadership Mastery", Orange County REALTORS® Leadership Academy, 2023
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence Program, Kalmar Equipment, 2017
Applied Emotional Intelligence Program, Kalmar Equipment, 2017 - 2018
Ignite Leadership Emotional Intelligence Program, Kalmar Equipment, 2017 – 2018
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence Program, Hiab Australia, 2018
Mental Health Awareness Program, Kalmar Equipment, 2019
Mental Health Awareness for Managers Program, Kalmar Equipment, 2019
Applied Emotional Intelligence Program, Hiab Australia, 2019
Ignite Leadership Emotional Intelligence Program, Hiab Australia, 2019
Kick-Ass Virtual Facilitation Train-the-Trainer Program, Cargotec Corporation, 2020
Introduction to Presenting in Front of an Audience, Speakers Tribe Victoria, 2020
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence Program, Banyule City Council, 2021
Nonverbal Communication Masterclass, Banyule City Council, 2021
Leading with Emotional Intelligence, Oceania Glass, 2022
Applied Emotional Intelligence Program, Oceania Glass, 2022
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence Program, Australian Community Support Organisation, 2022
Applied Emotional Intelligence Program, Australian Community Support Organisation, 2023
Aspiring Leaders Program, UniSuper, 2023
Leading Through Change, UniSuper, 2023
DISC ADVANCED® Assessments and Coaching, Australian Community Support Organisation, 2023